Hypocrites & Liars

Hypocrites & Liars...I hate them both! This is My Rant at the Social and Political injustices that seem to be growing and destroying hard won liberties our forefathers fought for. Please..Sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy reading my Blog.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Lynndie England Found Guilty

From The Scotsman.
England, 22, was sentenced by a US military court yesterday after being found guilty of six counts of abuse.
Charles Graner, England's former boyfriend and the father of her child, was sentenced to 10 years in jail last year

More From the Sydney Morning Herald
On the same day Captain Ian Fishback, a US Army officer who told Congress that command failures from military leaders fomented abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan, spoke publicly.
Captain Fishback, 26, said he believed the army was examining his claims mainly to punish low-ranking soldiers and not to explore whether top commanders should bear responsibility

There's so much about this case that just doesn't sit right, the fact that it could happen is one, but there are just so many others.
The attitude of the US Government and it's Foreign Policy that has been shown to be so wrong on so many occasions.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Your Environmental Footprint.

Here's an excellent test you can take to get an approximation of your Environmental Footprint (FT).

This Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates how much productive land and water you need to support what you use and what you discard. After answering 15 easy questions you'll be able to compare your Ecological Footprint to what other people use and to what is available on this planet.

Choose the Country in which you live and the language you want to take the test in and away you go.

Take the Ecological Footprint Quiz Here.

Here's my result and I suspect the fact I don't own or drive a car would have been helpful in keeping it fairly low...Still too high though.

-Food ... 2.6
-Mobility ... 0.1
-Shelter ... 0.5
-Goods/Services ... 0.5

In camparison, the average Ecological Footprint in your country is 7.6 Global Hectares per person.


I'll try to add my thoughts and Info. about the Wests dependance on oil in the next week or so.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

George Bush's War! Part 1- David Hicks.

What will Australia gain from offering to help fight Iraq? I mean, besides becoming a target of course. Another Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service (to the USA) for Little Johnny perhaps?

This whole "War on Terror" is a hyped up excuse, to secure Oil for the United States (among other things).
They still haven't found Bin Laden in Afghanistan and are now, FOUR years later sending more troops in after realising they weren't very successful the first time round.
They went into IRAQ with what appears to be no exit strategy (surely the invading forces didn't, NO, couldn't have possibly thought that the majority of Iraqi citizens would be grateful? If your country was invaded by another far more powerful nation on a bunch Lies and without United Nations support, would you be glad?
I believe we are in far more danger now than what we were before this folly started.

The odds are far higher and it's far more likely of dying while crossing the road or having a Heart Attack than by being killed by a Terrorist FFS....So, why the hell are people falling for all this?....Why the hell are our Governments pouring so much money and resources into it?
These and many more questions answers will be answered in the coming weeks my friend...I will enlighten thee...Well, try to do so anyway ;-) Please bare with me, we've got a hell of a lot to cover here and I'll be looking forward to any comments readers may have.

Anyway, Today's Rant is about the USA and Australian Governments Lies and Hypocrisy regarding David Hicks.
Hicks was picked up in Afghanistan in November 2001 during the US led invasion. The exact details are only known to those that picked him up at the time and to David Hicks himself. I don't believe one word of what the Australia or US media PR people have said on the subject, but the thing is this guy has been held in a US prison for just on FOUR years without trial and without charges.
David Hicks

Guantánamo Bay, is a US Navel base located on US land in Cuba and the conditions there have been well documented. The prisoners are not classified as prisoners of War or just Prisoners, they are termed as "Illegal Combatants" ...a handy term if you are trying to deny your prisoners any rights and attempting to circumvent international law or abiding by the Geneva Convention for the treatment of Prisoners of War.
David Hicks is now applying for British citizenship to see if they can help him be released. The British have been far more successful than Australia when getting their citizens released from the US concentration camp, all Nine of their Afghanistan POW's have been released and returned to Briton. The Australian Government has been as weak as piss, sucking up to the US in the vain hope it will bring riches and glory...maybe the Smirking Chimp will reward Honest John with another wall plaque for his service to his country? (Not our country though..George's country!)

...and therein lies the rub...If the US or any other Nation wants to preach it's Moral values to the rest of the world and to act as the Self appointed world Police then they should at least abide by the standards that they expect others to follow.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

How the Hell Can a Budget Surplus Blow Out ?

Budget surplus blows out.
Australia's budget surplus was $13.6 billion in the 12 months to June 2005, 48 percent higher than the 9.2 billion dollars originally predicted, Treasurer Peter Costello said Friday.

Story Here...

Can Someone Please tell me why Australia can have a Budget Surplus this large when the Health System is falling apart? When our Railways are in dire need of urgent upgrades? Schools, Education, Public Transport, Child Care and Mental Health all need attention? The list could just go on and on ...and on! I mean C'mon. Honest John, your Government is the highest taxing in Australia's history, how about putting a bit back into the Social infrastructure of this country?

Lynndie England Appeals Charges

FORT HOOD, Texas Sep 20, 2005 — Four months after she tried without success to plead guilty, Army Pfc. Lynndie England plans to fight charges she played a key role in abusing detainees at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison, her lawyer said.

The 22-year-old reservist, who appeared in several graphic photos taken inside Abu Ghraib in 2003, goes on trial here this week on two counts of conspiracy, four counts of mistreating prisoners and one count of committing an indecent act.

abc News story

Personally I think she has Buckley's of getting off.

...and she deserves to be charged, but the charges should go all the way to the top. This whole "practise of torture" went across Rumsfields desk and was approved and signed off by him....So where's the Buck stop Georgy?

Friday, September 23, 2005

Talk About "Power Dressing"!

Here you go...buy your Wife or Husband ( or anyone at all for that matter) an International Terrorist T-Shirt !

This Titanic of a T-shirt will ensure your meteoric rise up the Corporate Ladder and be the envy of all your office colleagues.

The Chicks are just gunna love it!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Just When You Thought it was Safe to go Back Into the Water !!

RitaRita mapp
GALVESTON, Texas (Reuters) - Hurricane Rita grew into a potentially catastrophic Category 5 storm on Wednesday and took aim at Texas as officials began evacuating more than a million people from most of the coast and parts of Houston.

WOW...It looks as though Hurricane Rita is going to be every bit as big, if not worse than what Katrina was. I really feel for the people in the South of the US. at the moment.

But at least this time the Emergency Services will be prepared, they won't have a Directer in control of FEMA who was nothing more than one of the Smirking Chimps allies and was completely inappropriate for the position.
judging by the news reports the buses are lined up to transport the evacuees...It's just a damm shame it took Katrina to shake these fools out of their blissful ignorance and off their backsides to prepare for this emergency.

Browny your fired

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Welcome to My Opinion and Political Commentary Blog.

Hi... :-)

Over the last few years I've become increasingly cynical at the lies and treatment by the Politicians of the World Democracy's.

I live in Australia and spend a lot of time watching these people tell Lie after Lie and for no apparent reason seem to be getting away with it.
Well, this is where I am going to have MY say! ...This is where I will be pointing out the hypocrisy and absolute Bullshit that these people think they are getting away with.

The comments and Opinions published by me on this Blog will be focused mainly on the Australian, British and the United Sates Governments. This is because these are the Governments I know and that affect me the most.

Please feel free to contribute and above all...Never lose your sense of humour! ;-)

Sit back...grab a coffee and enjoy the read.

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Lies and Hypocrites