How the Hell Can a Budget Surplus Blow Out ?

Budget surplus blows out.
Australia's budget surplus was $13.6 billion in the 12 months to June 2005, 48 percent higher than the 9.2 billion dollars originally predicted, Treasurer Peter Costello said Friday.
Story Here...
Can Someone Please tell me why Australia can have a Budget Surplus this large when the Health System is falling apart? When our Railways are in dire need of urgent upgrades? Schools, Education, Public Transport, Child Care and Mental Health all need attention? The list could just go on and on ...and on! I mean C'mon. Honest John, your Government is the highest taxing in Australia's history, how about putting a bit back into the Social infrastructure of this country?
Thanks for the comment but you can take you , "home owner insurance" , and shove it up your SPAMMING arse....
I hate Insurance company's as much as John Howard you prick!
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