The Tragedy of Pat Tillman - Update.
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The Inspector General of the Pentagon has asked the army to open a criminal investigation into Pat Tillman's death in Afghanistan.
The request, which came out of the inspector general's review of four previous investigations of the April 22, 2004, shooting, will likely lead investigators from the Army Criminal Investigation Command to return to Afghanistan and conduct a months long investigation into whether Tillman's death may have been a homicide, the result of criminal negligence or an accident, said an Army official who asked to remain anonymous.
Tillman's mother says:
"The Army used him. They knew right away he was killed by fratricide and used him for their own purposes to promote the war, to get sympathy for the war, for five weeks."
Meanwhile that repulsive scab on the knee of humanity, Anne Coulter, was being interviewed and would not accept that Pat Tillman wasn't a supporter of the war in Iraq. Stupid ignorant cow.
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