Just When You Thought it was Safe to go Back Into the Water !!

GALVESTON, Texas (Reuters) - Hurricane Rita grew into a potentially catastrophic Category 5 storm on Wednesday and took aim at Texas as officials began evacuating more than a million people from most of the coast and parts of Houston.
WOW...It looks as though Hurricane Rita is going to be every bit as big, if not worse than what Katrina was. I really feel for the people in the South of the US. at the moment.
But at least this time the Emergency Services will be prepared, they won't have a Directer in control of FEMA who was nothing more than one of the Smirking Chimps allies and was completely inappropriate for the position.
judging by the news reports the buses are lined up to transport the evacuees...It's just a damm shame it took Katrina to shake these fools out of their blissful ignorance and off their backsides to prepare for this emergency.

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