Hypocrites & Liars

Hypocrites & Liars...I hate them both! This is My Rant at the Social and Political injustices that seem to be growing and destroying hard won liberties our forefathers fought for. Please..Sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy reading my Blog.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Welcome to My Opinion and Political Commentary Blog.

Hi... :-)

Over the last few years I've become increasingly cynical at the lies and treatment by the Politicians of the World Democracy's.

I live in Australia and spend a lot of time watching these people tell Lie after Lie and for no apparent reason seem to be getting away with it.
Well, this is where I am going to have MY say! ...This is where I will be pointing out the hypocrisy and absolute Bullshit that these people think they are getting away with.

The comments and Opinions published by me on this Blog will be focused mainly on the Australian, British and the United Sates Governments. This is because these are the Governments I know and that affect me the most.

Please feel free to contribute and above all...Never lose your sense of humour! ;-)

Sit back...grab a coffee and enjoy the read.


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Lies and Hypocrites