The Story of Ben Domenech.
About a month ago the Washington Post (WP) printed an article, it was written by none other than the Ombudsman for the WP a Ms. Deborah Howell.
Now, as you know there's been a few Republicans in the US caught out because they have been taking bribes, in fact they have offices and several people working for them specifically for this purpose. They call it "Lobbying" which I do believe does have a place in getting things done in Politics, but these guy's just went too far.
The WP, specifically it's Ombudsman Debbie Howell, wrote a piece saying that the Lobbying scandal was a Bi-partisan issue. It was not, the Democrats had not taken one cent from Jack Abramoff. So starts the theatre.
The online comments section of the WP was on fire with Liberals asking for a retraction and apology. Not only did the WP refuse but they printed an article deriding Liberal Bloggers as foul mouthed scum etc.
So, after all this, the WP starts a Right Wing blog as part of their web page. Titled "Red State Blog" throwing more fuel on the fire. The WP may think they are Bi-partisan but they are just shills for the Bush government. Their way of combating criticism is to go further to the Right. Great move guys.
As one of the founders and star Bloggers of their new online presence, they hire this kid who's resume is made up of Speech Writing for some Republicans and Editor of a Right wing publishing house, Ben Domenech. Ben was home schooled and was hired straight out of collage by the Bush administration as a speech writer, his Dad knows George ya'see.
Jim Brady, the idiot at the helm of the WP, seems to think if your a good writer your a good Blogger. Thats not how it is at all, when you blog you have to be 100 per cent transparent and factually correct or you will get ripped to shreds.
Young Ben lasted 2 day's!
They thought they could put this kid in there to make a Blog and go against the Liberal Bloggers who have a definite advantage, life experience is not something you get when being Home Schooled.
He didn't have a chance from the start, he had no real world experience and in fact an isolated narrow minded view of things thanks to his parents.
No wonder the Smirking Fool gave him hid first job job.
But here's the clincher, not only is young Ben Domenech a home schooled ignoramus who believes in creationism, but he Steals others work and puts his name on it! Oh dear.
It couldn't have possibly been scripted better. It was like watching a bus screaming down a hill. In fact one Blog was writing a piece comparing Ben's Red State blog to a Bus careering down a hill when they found out that he had quit the job. Like I said, it could not have been scripted.
Firedoglake on Ben Domenech
Well, this isn’t good for the Washington Post’s newest Red America poster boy, now is it? Sucks when your right wing compadres decide that your plagiarism baggage is too ugly, too immoral, too much of a hot potato for even their political brand, doesn’t it?
America blog.
But what's really unfortunate about this entire mess is that the Washington Post handled their foray into blogging like such amateurs that there's now the risk of other newspapers thinking that this is what blogging is about - young, uneducated, unprofessional plagiarists. We risk others thinking that Blogs are the 3rd rail of journalism, touch them at your own peril. When in fact, had the Post simply started two Blogs, a Red and a Blue one, this could have been a journalism success story - but for the fact that the Post didn't bother to vet their choice to see if he was insane and/or a word thief.
All Bloggers are not created equal. The Post wanted to get in bed with Republicans and Republican Bloggers, fine. They got Republican ethics as part of the package.
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