George Bush's War! Part 1- David Hicks.
What will Australia gain from offering to help fight Iraq? I mean, besides becoming a target of course. Another Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service (to the USA) for Little Johnny perhaps?
This whole "War on Terror" is a hyped up excuse, to secure Oil for the United States (among other things).
They still haven't found Bin Laden in Afghanistan and are now, FOUR years later sending more troops in after realising they weren't very successful the first time round.
They went into IRAQ with what appears to be no exit strategy (surely the invading forces didn't, NO, couldn't have possibly thought that the majority of Iraqi citizens would be grateful? If your country was invaded by another far more powerful nation on a bunch Lies and without United Nations support, would you be glad?
I believe we are in far more danger now than what we were before this folly started.
The odds are far higher and it's far more likely of dying while crossing the road or having a Heart Attack than by being killed by a Terrorist FFS....So, why the hell are people falling for all this?....Why the hell are our Governments pouring so much money and resources into it?
These and many more questions answers will be answered in the coming weeks my friend...I will enlighten thee...Well, try to do so anyway ;-) Please bare with me, we've got a hell of a lot to cover here and I'll be looking forward to any comments readers may have.
Anyway, Today's Rant is about the USA and Australian Governments Lies and Hypocrisy regarding David Hicks.
Hicks was picked up in Afghanistan in November 2001 during the US led invasion. The exact details are only known to those that picked him up at the time and to David Hicks himself. I don't believe one word of what the Australia or US media PR people have said on the subject, but the thing is this guy has been held in a US prison for just on FOUR years without trial and without charges.

Guantánamo Bay, is a US Navel base located on US land in Cuba and the conditions there have been well documented. The prisoners are not classified as prisoners of War or just Prisoners, they are termed as "Illegal Combatants" ...a handy term if you are trying to deny your prisoners any rights and attempting to circumvent international law or abiding by the Geneva Convention for the treatment of Prisoners of War.
David Hicks is now applying for British citizenship to see if they can help him be released. The British have been far more successful than Australia when getting their citizens released from the US concentration camp, all Nine of their Afghanistan POW's have been released and returned to Briton. The Australian Government has been as weak as piss, sucking up to the US in the vain hope it will bring riches and glory...maybe the Smirking Chimp will reward Honest John with another wall plaque for his service to his country? (Not our country though..George's country!)
...and therein lies the rub...If the US or any other Nation wants to preach it's Moral values to the rest of the world and to act as the Self appointed world Police then they should at least abide by the standards that they expect others to follow.
Don't yoiu just love SPAM ?
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