George Bush's War! Part 2 - Karl Rove.

If there were a single thing that exemplifies the way the current White House Administration operates, it would be the case of Karl Rove and how he leaked the name of an undercover CIA operative to the media.
This was done because her Husband had the courage to tell the truth about the Lies that were being told to the public so that the current President could wage his War.
This cowardly act of betrayal put her life and the lives of many of the people she worked with in danger.
Make no mistake, this is the work of those that sit in the highest offices of the White House. Every single step in this rancid tale is morally and many cases Legally, wrong.
In short this is what happened. As we all know, the President has his eye on the vast Oil supply's of the Middle East. In particular, Iraq, the Second largest known Oil supply in the world.
After 911 the President saw the perfect opportunity to invade Iraq and have a permanent foot in the door, and to cause enough damage to the country that they would be forever paying for reconstruction. Reconstruction by a Construction company that the Vice President was the CEO of incidentally, and with the only other Tenders allowed being from the other invading country's, this in itself is a multi Billion dollar coup.
A war, which I was certain before of, but of which we now know as fact, was started on a series of Lies.
While telling the the American public and the rest of the world that Saddam played an important part in 911,and that he had Biological and Chemical WMD's (not to mention his advanced stage of building Nuclear weaponry) all ready to go. One of his Ambassadors, a Mister Joseph Wilson actually told the truth and said that Bush had exaggerated the Nuclear capabilities of Iraq...Bloody cheek said the White House staff, so one of the Presidents top advisers sought to discredit Joe Wilson, and I suspect to bully and to quite possibly, out right blackmail him.
The main suspect, Karl Rove, did this by telling, New York Times reporter Judith Miller that Joe Wilson's wife was an undercover CIA operative. A Spy.
More from Yahoo News
The leak investigation stems from a July 2003 syndicated column by Robert Novak identifying Plame as a CIA operative. Plame is married to former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, who says his wife's identity was disclosed to discredit his assertions that the Bush administration exaggerated Iraq's nuclear capabilities to build the case for war.
As far as I'm concerned this is one of the most dishonourable actions a man could possibly do. Joe Wilson's Wife was doing a dangerous and a most patriotic job for the US. She was putting her life on the line each day for her country and what did she get in return? Not a Thank You but a complete betrayal by the very people who most likely talked her into spying for them in the first place. As soon as it was convenient they just shafted her. Considering the fact that she had nothing to do with what her husband was doing at the time it was an absolute despicable and completely cowardly act.
I've no doubt whatsoever ever that Bush knew what was happening. but of course, they want the Oil, and damm anyone and anyones Family that may even think of getting in the way.
It's a National disgrace and will be even more so if Karl Rove and his flunky Vice President Cheney's chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby do not go to Jail for a long time.
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