Tony Abbott Rejects Abortion Pill
Tony Abbott would like to have the people of Australia believe that this has nothing whatsoever to do with his religion. Yeah sure.
ABC News
The Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott says he will not approve the use of the abortion pill RU-486 in Australia.
Mr Abbott has told PM he's received advice from the Chief Medical Officer that RU-486 has a higher rate of "later adverse events" that could require urgent intervention, than surgical termination.
The Australian Democrats, though, have accused Health Minister Tony Abbott of skewing information about the abortion pill to support his own religious position.
And the Australian Medical Association says that the Health Department advice on RU486 that Tony Abbott released today is plain wrong and ignores international research on the subject.
The AMA also says that the drug will now continued to be denied to Australian women for political reasons.
Is there anything more arrogant than politicians thinking they know better than everyone else? Including Medical professionals on Medical issues.
This is an issue between the Woman and her Doctor not a bloody politician who lets is personal religious beliefs dictate his politics.
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