Who You Spying on Georgy Boy?
I'm sure anyone who is reading this has already heard plenty about the wiretapping executed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and authorised by George Bush on the citizens of the US.
Needless to say this is a very important issue for the people of the US, and indeed has implications that could affect the rest of the world.
Fist of all, it's illegal. There's no "ifs or buts" about this, the legislation regarding Electronic Surveillance by the President is very specific (see the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act link at the bottom of the page). It cannot be done without a court ordered warrant. There are no loopholes.
Secondly, the Constitution of the United States is also very specific in regards to the Powers of the Executive and spying on it's own citizens.
Here's the thing, the NSA can go and eavesdrop on American citizens to it's hearts content. It can put bugs on phones all over the place without asking for permission, and it can listen in for up to Three day's (72 hours) then, and only then do they need to get a Warrant from FISA.
FISA was setup so that the President go Wire tap anyone at anytime for 3 day's before even asking for a warrant. So all this hokum that Bush said about "urgency" and "we didn't have time to go and get a court appointed warrant is, simply put, Bullshit!. As I just wrote, they can Wire Tap to the hearts content for up to Three day's before they need to get a warrant. Not only that, but the Warrants authorised by FISA are a virtual rubber stamp anyway. Since the legislation has been in force FISA has only knocked back Four out of Several Thousand applications!
So, they can wire tap anyone they want for up to 3 day's without a warrant and then they are almost guaranteed for it to be approved.
So what's the problem I hear inquisitive minds ask? That my friend is the million dollar question, or rather, it's a "WHO" did the President want to spy on so desperately that he did it illegally and without even attempting to get a warrant rather than a "What".
Without doubt it must of been someone who they KNEW the Judge would not allow the NSA to Spy on.
And that narrows the field down considerably.
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