Some People Just Don't Get It!
All I can say is WOW! ...
This guy was wrong on so many levels, but even after his full name, address, phone number, car Registration, photos of him from about 5 or 6 years of School journals plus recent ones of him and his Vehicle plus number plates, his parents details, his employers details and just about every other personal detail you can think off. He still kept throwing threats and abuse around and procrastinated on a simple apology.
He could have put an end to the humiliation at any time just by giving an unreserved apology and returning the guy's money but he couldn't even do that. He even screwed up the apology by ending it with a threat.
The story may be familiar because it has been spread the length and breadth of the internet and literally millions of people have become aware of what this guy did. It has been added to Wikipedia as an entry, the term "Wenzeled" (from the guy's Surname "Wenzel" has even been immortalised in the Urban Dictionary - "wenzeled".
1. wenzeled
1. Defrauded by an Internet seller.
Hey, wanna buy some bran new gears for your truck?"
"LOL ok, here's $115"
"Now I want $140 for used gears out of my 2WD truck"
"Oh snap! I just got wenzeled!"
2. Publicly outed as fraudulent person of low character.
2. wenzeled
The act of being screwed on a fraudulent internet sale.
MochaMike got wenzeled by Charlie Wenzel.
3. wenzeled
past tense of verb "wenzel" or adverb; to financially defraud someone on the Internet and then use Social-Economic position to bully and threaten them; arrogant thievery.
I gave the guy $115, he cashed my check, he misrepresented the goods, didn't send them and called me an asshat!
Hey, bro, you just got wenzeled! Or I just wenzeled the dude for $115.
Read the saga it here
Charlie's almost Apology
"This should be considered a formal written apology to the members moderators (especially mochamike) and administrators of I am sorry for 1) posting my gears for sale were new but were really used. 2) for changing the price after recieving the check from mike. 3) for calling mike's house at inconveinient hours of the night....snip
snip...if it doesn't stop, if it doesnt stop, one member on here who left a message on my voicemail saying im going to die will go to jail because i have all of his information..
I read nearly all of the thread (73 pages!) over a couple of days but kept going back because I could not believe how some people actually think they are going to "save face" by not apologising or by using threats against those he has wronged.
Charlie Wenzel, you should consider yourself very lucky.
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