Feds arrest 6 Suspects
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More than 400 ASIO agents and federal police raided at least 20 homes in south-west Sydney at 2.30am today, arresting six people.
Well, that was a massive amount of resources really well spent. Not.
I also noticed Allen Jones having a say on channel Nines Morning show. I would like to take his argument apart piece by piece but I loath the man so much I cannot even listen to him. Although this morning I did try, honestly I did, but as soon as he started on the "Islam against the Australian Nation" rubbish I had to hit the mute button on the remote. Allen Jones is a no-talent, over paid, views and opinion so far from reality it's not funny, idiot!
I just find it slightly discrepant that these people always blame "them" when the West has a policy Pre-Emptive" strikes.
More here from SBS.
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