Update on Ben Domenech.
After his embarrassing entry into the real world young Ben seems to be completely unable to acknowledge wrongdoing. Blaming everyone but himself for his blatant plagiarism, Ben is doing himself no favours.
But then again, his old mans contacts should get further employment.
Ben blaming Everyone Else on Red State
I know that charges of plagiarism are serious. While I am not a journalist, I have, myself, written more than one thing that has been plagiarised in the past. But these charges have also served to create an atmosphere where no matter what is said on my Red America blog, leftists will focus on things with my byline from when I was a teenager.
The Left has also accused me of foisting Sen. Frist quotes and some descriptive material from the Washington Post for a New York Press article on the Capitol Shooter. But the quotes I used were either properly credited or came from Sen. Frist’s press conference, which I attended along with many other reporters. So it is no surprise that we had similar quotes or similar descriptions of the same event. I have reams of notes and interviews about the events of that day. I also went over the entire piece step by step with NYPress editors to ensure that it was unquestionably solid before it ran.
In one instance, I have been accused me of passing off P.J. O'Rourke's writing as my own in a column for the paper. But the truth is that I had met P.J. at a Republican event and asked his permission to do a college-specific version of his classic piece on partying. He granted permission, the piece was cleared with my editors at the paper, and it ran as inspired by O’Rourke’s original.
Flat Hat
Domenech wrote that the editors of The Flat Hat were responsible for improperly including quotes from unattributed sources in his post on RedState.com
Steve Mencarini, editor of The Flat Hat from 1999 to 2000, said he supervised Domenech from fall of 1999 to March 2000. Mencarini refuted Domenech’s description of the events.
Domenech left the College without graduating, Associate Vice President for Public Affairs Bill Walker told the March 24 online edition of The New York Times.
Finaly This fool Gives an Admission and Apology
I want to apologize to National Review Online, my friends and colleagues here at RedState, and to any others that have been affected over the past few days. I also want to apologize to my previous editors and writers whose work I used inappropriately and without attribution. There is no excuse for this - nor is there an excuse for any obfuscation in my earlier statement.
This is a long story and I've only shown pieces of what has gone on, but the Washington Post has clearly shown not only that it is nothing more than a display for the current White House administration but that the management is completely out of touch with what is happening in the real world, in particular the online world and the power of the people that use it. But to hire what they thought would be a silencer to their critics really just showed them up for what they are. Shills for the Republicans and out of touch with reality. Not to mention, bad managers.
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